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Press Photos

NASA Climate Action Grant

Photos from the Montshire’s “Empowerment Through Climate Action” in which middle school-aged youth (grades 5-8) will use the Montshire’s 110-acre campus as a living laboratory to evaluate the carbon sequestration potential of various meadow and forest habitats.

Data collected “on the ground” by students will then be compared to NASA satellite data that uses advanced technology to measure and calculate carbon sequestration from space. A key deliverable of the project will be the development and evaluation of a new climate science curriculum for both homeschool students and visiting public school classes.

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Air Works

“Air Works” features interactive exhibits and specially-designed engineering tinkering activities that examine the properties of air and explore the science behind controlling and using this invisible substance in our everyday lives. (All press photos on this page are by Oliver Parini.)

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Montshire Museum Photos and Logos

Here is a selection of copyright free photos you can download for your publication. We do require that you provide a credit to the photographer as listed below. Each photo is a JPEG saved at 200-300 d.p.i.

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Bubbles - Science in Soap

Bubbles: Science in Soap is an exhibition that incorporates pure experimentation, hands-on learning, and a touch of whimsy for adults and children.

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Igloo Build

Learn the inside scoop of building a simple-yet-elegant igloo and other snow dwellings from expert Dr. Bert Yankielun.

Come experience Igloo Build, one of the longest-running traditions at the Museum. Learn how to build an insulated, sturdy house, strong enough to support the weight of a polar bear.

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